Vous n'êtes pas identifié(e).
Les deux premiers sont vraiment top, car réellement dans une continuité parfaite...
J'aime bcp le trois, son ambiance glauque, même si l'histoire est un peu tirée par les cheveux (d'ou vient le face hugger du début ???)... Le 4 est sympa, surtout les personnage (Pinon, dans Alien, c'est trop bon), mais bon, pas transcendant...
BRM, tu vas avoir un choc quand tu vas redécouvrir Aliens en HD, crois moi...
Quand tu est dans le menu BR du 3, dans un style de tableu de bord qui te montre ou la reine a pondue l'Oeuf lorsque Ripley s'echappe a la fin du 2 avec bishop dans le petit vaisseau? c'est dans ce même vaisseau qu'elle pont l'Oeuf !! LE seul hic dans le 3, car j'ador ele film, c'est les parties de la version longue, ou les voix de certain acteur son differentes sur ces quelques minutes, aussi non les 4 sont des tueries a mon gouts !!
HC [Sony VPL-HW10-Kit 7.1 Focal Chorus Serie 800+Centrale Klipsch RC-64+Caisson Velodyne DD-18+Pioneer BDP-320-Onkyo TX-NR5700-Toile de 3.6x2.10 ^^]
Hors ligne
Pourquoi veux-tu le US ?
pour le visuel en fait
mais niveau tarif le uk n'est pas mal, et se présente en digibook!!
Blu Rays: 4xx
TV: SHARP 52LE700 BLU-RAY: Sony BDP-S760 AMPLI: Yamaha RX-V 765 ENCEINTES: JAMO 606 HCS Black SUB: Velodyne CHT 8-Q PIEDS: Vivanco WMF-127 silver CONSOLES: PS3 + XBOX 360
Hors ligne
Pense à tous les bonus que tu vas rater...
BREF pour les intimes.
Hors ligne
ils sont tous sous-titrés en FR, et je ne pense pas que ce sera différent sur le coffret FR.
à moins que les bonus soient en full FR sur le coffret FR, ce qui m'étonnerait baucoup
Blu Rays: 4xx
TV: SHARP 52LE700 BLU-RAY: Sony BDP-S760 AMPLI: Yamaha RX-V 765 ENCEINTES: JAMO 606 HCS Black SUB: Velodyne CHT 8-Q PIEDS: Vivanco WMF-127 silver CONSOLES: PS3 + XBOX 360
Hors ligne
Blurayenfrançais a écrit :Pourquoi veux-tu le US ?
pour le visuel en fait
mais niveau tarif le uk n'est pas mal, et se présente en digibook!!
Le visuel français est plus original tu trouves pas? Par ailleurs il a l'air d'être en relief, ce qui n'a pas l'air d'être le cas pour l'US qui est beaucoup plus classique comme visuel ... Finalement je préfère le français alors qu'au début j'étais sceptique.
Dernière modification par BluRay Man (25-10-2010 17:48)
Sony 40Z4500/PS3/Sennheiser RS160
LSDA/Phantom Of The Paradise/Le lauréat/Casino Royale...
Hors ligne
J'ai vu plusieurs photos en détail de l'énorme coffret US, il est monstrueux, vraiment une bombe ca c'est du coffret
-Changement pour le Samsung UE55ES6100 3D active
-home Cinema Philips Hts7200 3D
Hors ligne
Dommage car le 4 a des séquences sympa, notamment celle démarrant avec notre "Hellboy" sur l'échelle ou il se balance en arriere et tire dans le tas et finissant avec l'Alien sous l'eau, c'est vraie qu'apres
Dernière modification par Pipin59 (25-10-2010 18:15)
-Changement pour le Samsung UE55ES6100 3D active
-home Cinema Philips Hts7200 3D
Hors ligne
Vu le coffret collector oeuf, la statuette est particulièrement moche...
Du coup, j'ai pris le coffret "normal", vraiment très beau, avec en effet le facehugger en relief (devant), qui se prolonge sur toute la boîte (effet plastifié brillant). L'intérieur est aussi très classe, avec un livret (qu'on voit sur la photo en haut de cette page) : BluRay Man, à toi de voir, mais il me semble que le coffret FR soit le plus sympa...
Hors ligne
BluRay Man, à toi de voir, mais il me semble que le coffret FR soit le plus sympa...
Ben oui !!! C'est ce que je pense aussi
D'autant plus après ton compte rendu !... Il est préco depuis le début (aout je pense)
Sony 40Z4500/PS3/Sennheiser RS160
LSDA/Phantom Of The Paradise/Le lauréat/Casino Royale...
Hors ligne
Pris a l'instant l'édition UK
-Changement pour le Samsung UE55ES6100 3D active
-home Cinema Philips Hts7200 3D
Hors ligne
Les deux premiers sont vraiment top, car réellement dans une continuité parfaite...
J'aime bcp le trois, son ambiance glauque, même si l'histoire est un peu tirée par les cheveux (d'ou vient le face hugger du début ???)... Le 4 est sympa, surtout les personnage (Pinon, dans Alien, c'est trop bon), mais bon, pas transcendant...
BRM, tu vas avoir un choc quand tu vas redécouvrir Aliens en HD, crois moi...
Même avis concernant le 3, je le trouve plus noir que les autres et surtout plus oppressant
*LCD Samsung 46LE676* / *Lecteur Blu-ray BD-P 1500* / *Ampli Denon AVR 1910* / *Pack 5.0 Davis Acoustics Matisse*
Hors ligne
Svp, quels sont les avantages (mis à part le visuel que certains semblent préférer) des versions UK ou US par rapport à la version FR ?
Hors ligne
Je ne sais pas trop certainement les bonus qui apparemment sont énormes sur les éditions UK et US (identique d'ailleurs) je ne sais pas pour celui Francais. le son est en dts donc pas pour de la HD car il n'y en a pas en VF.
Moi c'est uniquement pour le visuel que je n'aime pas et le fait que certain l'ayant deja dise qu'il est du fait du relief difficile a caser en rangement normal
-Changement pour le Samsung UE55ES6100 3D active
-home Cinema Philips Hts7200 3D
Hors ligne
Merci Pipin pour ta réponse ... personnellement j'aime bien le visuel français
, après il faudrait qu'il y ait vraiment une différence de contenu pour me motiver à l'acheter ailleurs
Hors ligne
Je sais pas mais bon, ca a quand meme été souvent le cas
j'ai trouvé ca
*The Film - 1979 Theatrical Cut (116:37)
- 1999 Audio Commentary by Director Ridley Scott
- 2003 Audio Commentary by Director Ridley Scott, Writer Dan O’Bannon, Executive Producer Ronald Shusett, Editor Terry Rawlings and actors Sigourney Weaver, John Hurt, Tom Skerritt, Veronica Cartwright & Harry Dean Stanton
- Final Theatrical Isolated Score (Dolby Digital 5.1) with Complete Music Index
- Composer's Original Isolated Score (Dolby Digital 5.1) with Complete Music Index
- Deleted Scenes Index
- - Play All (6:39)
- - 1. Transmission (1:35)
- - 2. Kane's Weapon (0:11)
- - 3. A Slap in the Face (0:48)
- - 4. Red Rain (1:50)
- - 5. Access Granted (0:11)
- - 6. Cocooned (1:51)
- - 7. Not a Cat Lover (0:10)
*The Film - 2003 Director's Cut (115:49)
- 2003 Audio Commentary by Director Ridley Scott, Writer Dan O’Bannon, Executive Producer Ronald Shusett, Editor Terry Rawlings and actors Sigourney Weaver, John Hurt, Tom Skerritt, Veronica Cartwright & Harry Dean Stanton
- Introduction by Ridley Scott (0:57)
- "Deleted Scene Footage Marker" Feature
"MU-TH-UR Mode" Interactive Feature
- Tutorial (0:47)
- "Data Tag List" Feature
Danish, Dutch, English HoH, Finnish, French, German, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish Subtitles
2.35:1 1080p MPEG-4 AVC Apect Ratio
English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
English Dolby Digital 4.1 (1979 Theatrical Cut Only)
English Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround
French DTS 5.1
German DTS 5.1
Portuguese Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1
*The Film - 1986 Theatrical Cut (137:14)
- 2003 Audio Commentary by Director James Cameron, Producer Gale Ann Hurd, Alien Effects Creator Stan Winston, Visual Effects Supervisors Robert Skotak & Dennis Skotak, Miniature Effects Supervisor Pat McClung and Actors Michael Biehn, Bill Paxton, Lance Henriksen, Jenette Goldstein, Carrie Henn & Christopher Henn
- Final Theatrical Isolated Score (Dolby Digital 5.1) with Complete Music Index
- Composer's Original Isolated Score (Dolby Digital 5.1) with Complete Music Index
- Deleted Scenes Index
- - Play All (19:57)
- - 1. Ripley's Daughter (2:17)
- - 2. Van Leuwen's Verdict (0:43)
- - 3. The Colony / The Jordens' Discovery (5:40)
- - 4. Burke's Answer (0:20)
- - 5. Int. Sulaco (1:46)
- - 6. Hudson's Hubris (0:48)
- - 7. False Alarm (0:43)
- - 8. Ripley Pauses (1:00)
- - 9. The Sentry Guns (0:16)
- - 10. Fire in the Hole (1:26)
- - 11. Last Line of Defense (0:12)
- - 12. Newt's Questions (0:30)
- - 13. Hudson's "Ant" Theory (0:37)
- - 14. The Aliens Attack (1:15)
- - 15. The Aliens Retreat (1:47)
- - 16. First Name Basis (0:33)
1990 Special Edition (154:26)
- 2003 Audio Commentary by Director James Cameron, Producer Gale Ann Hurd, Alien Effects Creator Stan Winston, Visual Effects Supervisors Robert Skotak & Dennis Skotak, Miniature Effects Supervisor Pat McClung and Actors Michael Biehn, Bill Paxton, Lance Henriksen, Jenette Goldstein, Carrie Henn & Christopher Henn
- Introduction by James Cameron (0:34)
- "Deleted Scene Footage Marker" Feature
"MU-TH-UR Mode" Interactive Feature
- Tutorial (0:47)
- "Data Tag List" Feature
Danish, Dutch, English HoH, Finnish, French, German, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish Subtitles
1.85:1 1080p MPEG-4 AVC Apect Ratio
English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
English Dolby Digital 4.1 (1986 Theatrical Cut Only)
English Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround
French DTS 5.1
German DTS 5.1
Portuguese Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1
1992 Theatrical Version (114:52)
- 2003 Audio Commentary by Cinematographer Alex Thomson, Editor Terry Rawlings, Alien Effects Designers Alec Gillis & Tom Woodruff Jr., Visual Effects Producer Richard Edlund and Actors Lance Henriksen & Paul McGann
- Theatrical Isolated Score (Dolby Digital 5.1) with Complete Music Index
- Deleted Scenes Index
- - Play All (49:28)
- - 1. Exterior: Fury 161 / First Town Hall Meeting (5:42)
- - 2. Entering the Morgue (0:48)
- - 3. The Arbittoir (2:04)
- - 4. The Ox-Buster (2:58)
- - 5. Cafetaria Talk (2:57)
- - 6. Prison Faith (0:24)
- - 7. Ripley and Clemens Inside Assembly Hall (0:23)
- - 8. Post-Coital (1:32)
- - 9. Boggs, Rains and Golic (0:39)
- - 10. Clemens Meets Andrews (3:04)
- - 11. Boggs, Rains and Golic II (0:26)
- - 12. Golic in Cafetaria (0:29)
- - 13. Golic in Cafetaria II (0:13)
- - 14. Golic Rants (0:20)
- - 15. Clemens' Death (2:24)
- - 16. Dillon Preaches (0:39)
- - 17. Battery Duty (1:32)
- - 18. Fire and Aftermath / Ripley and Aaron Talk (5:46)
- - 19. Golic Escapes (1:43)
- - 20. Message from the Company (1:07)
- - 21. Golic Frees the Alien (1:36)
- - 22. Ripley Talks to Golic (1:13)
- - 23. What Do We Know Now? (2:13)
- - 24. To the Furnace (2:10)
- - 25. Ripley Goes Hunting (0:47)
- - 26. Ripley Convincing Dillon to Kill Her (1:35)
- - 27. Furnace Meeting (0:52)
- - 28. Preparing for the Chase (0:59)
- - 29. We're Improvising (0:32)
- - 30. A Simple Procedure (0:24)
- - 31. Alternate Finale: Sacrifice (1:43)
2003 Special Edition (144:52)
- 2003 Audio Commentary by Cinematographer Alex Thomson, Editor Terry Rawlings, Alien Effects Designers Alec Gillis & Tom Woodruff Jr., Visual Effects Producer Richard Edlund and Actors Lance Henriksen & Paul McGann
- "Deleted Scene Footage Marker" Feature
"MU-TH-UR Mode" Interactive Feature
- Tutorial (0:47)
- "Data Tag List" Feature
Danish, Dutch, English HoH, Finnish, French, German, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish Subtitles
2.35:1 1080p MPEG-4 AVC Apect Ratio
English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
French DTS 5.1
German DTS 5.1
Portuguese Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1
1997 Theatrical Version (108:48)
- 2003 Audio Commentary by Director Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Editor Herve Schneid, Alien Effects Designers Alec Gillis & Tom Woodruff Jr., Visual Effects Supervisor Pitof, Conceptual Artist Sylvain Despretz and Actors Ron Perlman, Dominique Pinon & Leland Orser
- Theatrical Isolated Score (Dolby Digital 5.1) with Complete Music Index
- Deleted Scenes Index
- - Play All (11:54)
- - 1. New Opening Title Sequence (3:06)
- - 2. Rude Awakening (0:17)
- - 3. Ripley Remembers (0:31)
- - 4. Cafetaria Scene (1:23)
- - 5. Vriess' Joke (0:55)
- - 6. The General's Quarters (0:54)
- - 7. What's Inside Purvis (Parts 1 & 2) (2:00)
- - 8. Disposable Weapons (0:52)
- - 9. Interior Chapel (Part 1) (0:23)
- - 10. Interior Chapel (Part 2) (0:45)
- - 11. A New Ending (1:18)
2003 Special Edition (116:08)
- 2003 Audio Commentary by Director Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Editor Herve Schneid, Alien Effects Designers Alec Gillis & Tom Woodruff Jr., Visual Effects Supervisor Pitof, Conceptual Artist Sylvain Despretz and Actors Ron Perlman, Dominique Pinon & Leland Orser
- Introduction by Jean-Pierre Jeunet (0:46)
- Deleted Scene Footage Marker
"MU-TH-UR Mode" Interactive Feature
- Tutorial (0:47)
- "Data Tag List" Feature
Danish, Dutch, English HoH, Finnish, French, German, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish Subtitles
2.35:1 1080p MPEG-4 AVC Apect Ratio
English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
French DTS 5.1
German DTS 5.1
Portuguese Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1
"Datasearch" Interactive Index
"Play All Featurettes" Option
"MU-TH-UR Mode" Interactive Feature
- "The Beast Within: Making Alien" Documentary with Optional "MU-TH-UR Mode" Interactive Feature and "Play All" Option
- - Star Beast: Developing the Story (18:14)
- - The Visualists: Directing and Design (16:41)
- - Truckers in Space: Casting (14:54)
- - Fear of the Unknown: Shepperton Studios, 1978 (24:03)
- - The Darkest Reaches: Nostromo and the Alien Planet (17:28)
- - The Eight Passenger: Creature Design (31:35)
- - Future Tense: Editing and Music (16:28)
- - Outward Bound: Visual Effects (18:52)
- - A Nightmare Fulfilled: Reaction to the Film (19:22)
- "Enhancement Pods" Featurettes
- - Play All (79:43)
- - Conceiving the Alien Lifecycle (3:06)
- - The Influence of Jodorowsky's 'Dune' (2:06)
- - O'Bannon Working with Shusett (3:15)
- - Ridley Scott's Epiphany (2:28)
- - Jon Finch Sets the Record Straight (1:49)
- - Finding the Right Ripley (3:05)
- - Actors as Props (1:15)
- - Sigourney Weaver Learns the Ropes (0:58)
- - The Functional Art of Ron Cobb (1:25)
- - Dalies: Parker and Brett Ad-Lib (7:59)
- - That Used Future Look (4:11)
- - Bolaji Badejo Alien Movement Tests (5:19)
- - Discovering Bolaji Badejo (1:57)
- - Giger on Giger (2:11)
- - The Disturbing Brilliance of H.R. Giger (5:45)
- - James Cameron Dissects 'Alien' (2:10)
- - Cocoon of Love (3:15)
- - Jerry Goldsmith Recalls 'Alien' (2:49)
- - Goldsmith on Silence (3:07)
- - The Pros and Cons of Temp Tracks (2:27)
- - Same-Sex Relationships in Space (1:24)
- - Toy Birds of Destruction (0:59)
- - Oscar Night Memories (1:39)
- - Test Footage: Nostromo on Forklift (0:51)
- - End of a Genre (2:25)
- - First Impressions (5:38)
- - O'Bannon's Fight for Credit (5:56)
- "Superior Firepowers: Making Aliens" Documentary with Optional "MU-TH-UR Mode" Interactive Feature and "Play All" Option
- - 57 Years Later: Continuing the Story (11:05)
- - Building Better Worlds: From Concept to Construction (13:29)
- - Preparing for Battle: Casting and Characterization (17:00)
- - This Time It's War: Pinewood Studios, 1985 (19:39)
- - The Risk Always Lives: Weapons and Action (15:12)
- - Bug Hunt: Creature Design (16:23)
- - Two Orphans: Sigourney Weaver and Carrie Henn (13:48)
- - Beauty and the Bitch: Power Loader Vs. Queen Alien (22:25)
- - The Final Countdown: Music, Editing and Sound (15:31)
- - The Power of Real Tech: Visual Effects (27:47)
- - Aliens Unleashed: Reaction to the Film (12:33)
- "Enhancement Pods" Featurettes
- - Play All (58:31)
- - Without Sigourney Weaver (1:28)
- - Origins of Acheron (2:02)
- - Building Hadley's Hope (3:28)
- - Cameron's Design Philosphy (2:23)
- - Finding an Unused Power Plant (2:08)
- - Cameron's Military Interests (1:25)
- - Working with Sigourney Weaver (5:26)
- - The Imporance of Being Bishop (1:28)
- - Paul Reiser on Carter Burke (1:02)
- - The Paxton / Cameron Connection (2:18)
- - Becoming Vasquez (1:08)
- - On Set: Infiltrating the Colony (3:13)
- - Props: Personal Light Unit (0:38)
- - Simon Atherton Talks Weapons (2:01)
- - Praising Stan Winston (1:41)
- - Test Footage: Chest Buster (1:21)
- - Fighting the FaceHugger (1:18)
- - Test Footage: FaceHugger (7:29)
- - Stan Winston's Challenge (1:48)
- - Test Footage: Queen Alien (4:49)
- - Stan Winston's Legacy (2:37)
- - Cameron's Cutting Edge (1:33)
- - Sigourney Weaver's Triumph (1:39)
- - Re-Enlisting with Cameron (1:25)
- - From Producer to Stunt Double (2:31)
Alien 3
- "Wreckage and Rage: Making Alien 3" Documentary with Optional "MU-TH-UR Mode" Interactive Feature and "Play All" Option
- - Development Hell: Concluding the Story (17:42)
- - Tales of the Wooden Planet: Vincent Ward's Vision (13:11)
- - Stasis Interrupted: David Fincher's Vision (14:13)
- - Xeno-Erotic: H.R. Giger's Redesign (10:20)
- - The Color of Blood: Pinewood Studios, 1991 (23:42)
- - Adaptive Organism: Creature Design (20:58)
- - The Downward Spiral: Creative Differences (14:55)
- - Optical Fury: Visual Effects (24:04)
- - Where the Sun Burns Cold: Fox Studios L.A., 1992 (17:33)
- - Requiem for a Scream: Music, Editing and Sound (14:53)
- - Post-Mortem: Reaction to the Film (8:24)
- "Enhancement Pods" Featurettes
- - Play All (74:03)
- - Renny Harlin Quits (1:49)
- - Explaining the Wooden Planet (2:45)
- - Ezra Swerdlow's Concerns (1:10)
- - Intimidating Baldies (2:00)
- - Roaming the Fury 161 Set (4:01)
- - The Art of Storyboarding (2:33)
- - Hick's Alternate Future (1:56)
- - Costuming for Character (1:38)
- - On Set: Filming the Alien POV (2:26)
- - Head Casting with Charles Dutton (2:53)
- - On Set: Filming the Oxbuster (3:12)
- - Sausage-Motivated Alien Whippet (2:03)
- - Fincher's Alienation (3:42)
- - Lance Hendriks Returns in Style (1:21)
- - Sucking Up to Fincher (6:32)
- - Detailing the EEV Miniature (1:28)
- - Matte Painting Memories (8:03)
- - How to Make Alien Acid Saliva (1:12)
- - The Sulaco's Cameo (1:07)
- - The Weaver Wagger (2:28)
- - Bald Cap Blues (2:42)
- - Bragging Rights (1:03)
- - Stealing Sigourney's Top (0:56)
- - Creating Alien Sounds from Scratch (2:25)
- - Dangerous Location Recording (1:49)
- - Painful Low End Frequencies (0:46)
- - The Power of Silence (3:15)
- - Ripley's Evolution (2:14)
- - Mixed Reactions (4:19)
Alien Resurrection
- "One Step Beyond: Making Alien Resurrection" Documentary with Optional "MU-TH-UR Mode" Interactive Feature and "Play All" Option
- - From the Ashes: Reviving the Story (10:10)
- - French Twist: Direction and Design (26:09)
- - Under the Skin: Casting and Characterization (12:45)
- - Death from Below: Fox Studios Los Angeles, 1996 (31:36)
- - In the Zone: The Basketball Scene (6:43)
- - Unnatural Mutation: Creature Design (26:21)
- - Genetic Composition: Music (13:10)
- - Virtual Aliens: Computer Generated Imagery (9:53)
- - A Matter of Scale: Miniature Photography (22:50)
- - Critical Juncture: Reaction to the Film (14:28)
- "Enhancement Pods" Featurettes
- - Play All (75:17)
- - Costuming the Betty Crew (1:23)
- - Intentionally Uncomfortable Costumes (1:48)
- - Creating Ripley's New Look (3:20)
- - Downsizing the Design (2:00)
- - Dueling Design Sensibilities (1:55)
- - Breaking the Language Barrier (4:41)
- - The Storyboard Bible (1:21)
- - Preparing for Action (2:50)
- - Winona Ryder Answers the Call (2:10)
- - Surviving the Shoot (4:12)
- - Swimming with Aliens (2:26)
- - The Art of Slime (2:29)
- - The Cloning Process (4:46)
- - Considering Giger's Legacy (3:04)
- - Newborn Dick Removal (1:45)
- - The Evolution of the Alien (4:12)
- - Designing the Newborn (1:36)
- - Becoming a Film Composer (1:36)
- - The Burdon of Temp Music (1:59)
- - Animating Underwater Aliens (3:14)
- - VFX: Knifing Ridley's Hand (2:12)
- - VFX: Shooting Miniatures (1:23)
- - Abandoning the Bug Opening (4:10)
- - Ending After Ending After Ending (5:28)
- - Remembering the Premiere (2:01)
- - Future Franchise Directions (7:02)
Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English HoH, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Thai Subtitles
"MU-TH-UR Mode" Interactive Feature
- Pre-Production
- - First Draft Screenplay by Dan O'Bannon (185 pages)
- - Ridleygrams: Original Thumbnails and Notes (264 pages)
- - Storyboard Archive with "View All" Option
- - - Awakening (58 images)
- - - Landing (59 images)
- - - Expedition (79 images)
- - - Breach (130 images)
- - - Narcissus (45 images)
- - - Special Photographic Effects (138 images)
- - The Art of Alien: Conceptual Art Portfolio with "View All" Option
- - - Ron Cobb (57 images)
- - - Chris Foss (48 images)
- - - H.R. Giger (44 images)
- - - Jean "Moebius" Giraud (11 images)
- - Sigourney Weaver Screen Tests with Optional Audio Commentary by Director Ridley Scott on Selected Tests and "Play All" Option
- - - 1. Badgering Parker (1:16)
- - - 2. Corridors & Cocoons (2:35)
- - - 3. Signing Off (0:51)
- - - 4. Planning (1:52)
- - - 5. Ripley & Dallas (1:40)
- - Cast Portrait Gallery (29 images)
- Production
- - The Chestbuster: Multi-Angle Sequence with Production Audio or Audio Commentary by Director Ridley Scott (5:28)
- - "Video Graphics Gallery" Footage (5:31)
- - Production Image Galleries with "View All" Option
- - - The Nostromo (41 images)
- - - Egg Chamber (23 images)
- - - Kane's Fate (46 images)
- - - Brett's Death & MU-TH-UR (29 images)
- - - Ash (10 images)
- - - Parker & Lambert's Deaths (23 images)
- - - Cocooned (14 images)
- - - The Narcissus (50 images)
- - - Filming in Progress (25 images)
- - Continuity Polaroids (99 images)
- - The Sets of Alien (217 images)
- - H.R. Giger's Workshop (23 images)
- Post-Production and Aftermath
- - Additional Deleted Scenes with "Play All" Option
- - - Kane in the Morning (2:20)
- - - The Derelict (3:32)
- - - Kane's Condition (2:13 with Dolby Digtial 5.1 Audio)
- - - Repairs Interrupted (1:44 with Dolby Digtial 5.1 Audio)
- - - Regrouping (3:03)
- - - Ripley Soothes Lambert (1:51 with Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio)
- - - Airlock Sequence (1:50)
- - Image Galleries with "View All" Option
- - - Inside the Model Shop (222 images)
- - - Visual Effects (154 images)
- - - Special Shoot: Promotional Photo Archive (92 images)
- - - Poster Explorations (30 images)
- - - Premiere (32 images)
- - - After Party (25 images)
- - "Experience in Terror (1979)" Featurette (7:10)
- - Laserdisc Archives with Table of Contents
- - "The Alien Legacy (1999)" Documentary (66:53)
- - "American Cinematique: Ridley Scott Q&A (2001)" Featurette (15:40)
- - Trailers and TV Spots with "Play All" Option
- - - Theatrical Teaser (0:48)
- - - Theatrical Trailer (1:58)
- - - TV Spot: Egg (0:31)
- - - TV Spot: Now Playing (0:11)
- Pre-Production
- - Original Treatment by James Cameron (82 pages)
- - Pre-Visualizations: Multi-Angle Videomatics with Optional Audio Commentary by Miniature Effects Supervisor Pat McClung (3:13)
- - Storyboard Archive (155 images)
- - The Art of Aliens with "View All" Option
- - - Gateway Station and Colony (6 images)
- - - Vehicles and Weapons (34 images)
- - - Aliens (5 images)
- - Cast Portrait Gallery (72 images)
- Production
- - Production Image Galleries with "View All" Option
- - - Preparation for Filming (22 images)
- - - The Narcissus (8 images)
- - - Gateway Station (20 images)
- - - Colony Life (10 images)
- - - The Sulaco (108 images)
- - - Arrival on Acheon (134 images)
- - - Main Colony Complex (70 images)
- - - Ripley Rescues Newt (83 images)
- - - Final Battle and Epilogue (79 images)
- - Continuity Polaroids (251 images)
- - Weapons and Vehicles (69 images)
- - Stan Winston's Workshop (60 images)
- - "Colonel Marine Helmet Cameras" Footage (5:01)
- - "Video Graphics Gallery" Footage (4:04)
- - "Weyland-Yutani Inquest: Nostromo Dossiers" Footage (3:35)
- Post-Production
- - Deleted Scene: Burke Cocooned (1:31)
- - Deleted Scene Montage (4:07)
- - Image Galleries with "View All" Option
- - - Visual Effects (239 images)
- - - Music Recordings (10 images)
- - - Premiere (7 images)
- - - Special Shoot (27 images)
- - Laserdisc Archives with Table of Contents
- - "Main Title Exploration" Footage (2:55)
- - "Aliens: Ride at the Speed of Fright (1996)" Footage (4:05)
- - Trailers and TV Spots with "Play All" Option
- - - Teaser Trailer (1:51)
- - - Theatrical Trailer (1:57)
- - - Domestic Trailer (0:35)
- - - International Trailer (0:32)
- - - TV Spot: Now Playing (0:32)
Alien 3
- Pre-Production
- - Storyboard Archive with "View All" Option
- - - The Crash (87 images)
- - - Burning the Dead (109 images)
- - - An Inmate Gets Diced (49 images)
- - - Bishop's Revelation (120 images)
- - - Clemens & Andrews Killed (64 images)
- - - The Plan Fails (99 images)
- - - Human Bait (169 images)
- - - The Leadworks (29 images)
- - - Finale (Theatrical Version) (136 images)
- - - Alternate Ending (210 images)
- - The Art of Arceon with "View All" Option
- - - EEV (12 images)
- - - Arceon: The Wooden Planet (47 images)
- - - Alien Mutations (20 images)
- - The Art of Fiorina with "View All" Option
- - - Exterior: Fiorina "Fury" 161 (6 images)
- - - Interior: Mineral Ore Refinery (30 images)
- Production
- - "Furnace Construction: Time-Lapse Sequence" Footage (4:35)
- - EEV Bioscan: Multi-Angle Vignette with Audio Commentary by Alien Effects Designer Alec Gilles (2:02)
- - Production Image Galleries with "View All" Option
- - - Preparing to Film (22 images)
- - - Crash Landing (87 images)
- - - Honoring the Dead (92 images)
- - - The Alien Strikes (16 images)
- - - The Death of Clemens and Andrews (90 images)
- - - Capture and Escape (41 images)
- - - Leadworks Trap (92 images)
- - - Final Confrontation (32 images)
- - A.D.I.'s Workshop (185 images)
- Post-Production
- - Visual Effects Gallery (133 images)
- - Special Shoot: Promotional Photo Archive (72 images)
- - Alien 3 Advance Featurette (2:56)
- - "Making of Alien 3" Featurette (23:24)
- - Trailers and TV Spots with "Play All" Option
- - - Trailer A (1:05)
- - - Trailer B (1:11)
- - - Trailer C (1:06)
- - - Trailer D (1:11)
- - - Trailer E (0:34)
- - - TV Spot: Face to Face (0:31)
- - - TV Spot: 3 Times (0:16)
- - - TV Spot: Theaters Everywhere (0:16)
- - - TV Spot: Review (0:17)
- - - TV Spot: Three (0:32)
- - - TV Spot: A True Knockout (0:31)
- - - TV Spot: Galaxy Review (0:32)
Alien Resurrection
- Pre-Production
- - First Draft Screenplay by Joss Whedon (225 pages)
- - Test Footage: A.D.I. Creature Shop (9:51)
- - Test Footage: Costumes, Hair and Make-Up (4:40)
- - Pre-Visualizations: Multi-Angle Rehearsals with Rehearsal Audio or Final Film Audio (2:52)
- - Storyboard Archive with "View All" Option
- - - Experiment on the Auriga (179 images)
- - - The Betty Arrives (73 images)
- - - Aliens Escape (215 images)
- - - Survivors Regroup (215 images)
- - - Underwater Ambush (154 images)
- - - Ladder Fight (155 images)
- - - Queen's Hive (80 images)
- - - The Newborn (142 images)
- - The Marc Caro Portfolio: Character Designs (22 images)
- - The Art of Resurrection with "View All" Option
- - - Title Designs (32 images)
- - - Ship Designs (99 images)
- - - Prop Designs (54 images)
- - - Clone Designs (30 images)
- - - Costume Designs (42 images)
- - - Alien Designs (32 images)
- - - Earth Designs (6 images)
- Production
- - Production Image Galleries with "View All" Option
- - - Production Props: Weapons (14 images)
- - - Extracting the Queen (36 images)
- - - The Betty Arrives (37 images)
- - - Aliens Escape (58 images)
- - - The Clone Horrors (13 images)
- - - Underwater Attack (40 images)
- - - The Queen's Nest (20 images)
- - - Falling to Earth (57 images)
- - - On Earth (6 images)
- - A.D.I.'s Workshop (162 images)
- Post-Production
- - Visual Effects Gallery (132 images)
- - Special Shoot: Promotional Photo Archive (38 images)
- - "HBO First Look: The Making of 'Alien Resurrection'" Featurette (25:40)
- - Alien Resurrection Promotional Featurette (3:56)
- - Trailers and TV Spots with "Play All" Option
- - - Theatrical Teaser (2:26)
- - - Theatrical Trailer (1:13)
- - - TV Spot: Now Playing (0:32)
- - - TV Spot: Scream (0:33)
- - - TV Spot: Host (0:32)
- - - TV Spot: Scream Cutdown (0:17)
- "Alien Evolution (2001 Original TV Version)" Documentary (48:48)
- "Alien Evolution (2003 Alien Re-Edit)" Documentary (64:33)
- "The Alien Saga" Documentary (109:02)
- Aliens 3D Attraction with "View All" Option
- - Script (52 pages)
- - Conceptial Art (31 images)
- "Aliens in the Basement: The Bob Burns Collection" Featurette (16:54)
- Parodies with "Play All" Option
- - Peter Daughter's (Clip from Family Guy - Season 6 Episode 7) (0:32)
- - Spaceballs (1:47)
- Dark Horse Still Gallery (234 pages)
- Patches and Logos Gallery (15 images)
- Credits (23 pages)
Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English HoH, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Thai Subtitles[/spoiler]
-Changement pour le Samsung UE55ES6100 3D active
-home Cinema Philips Hts7200 3D
Hors ligne
ça c'est un post court;lol
Hors ligne
jai acheté aujourdhui le coffret. (pour les toulousains, il est dispo au cultura de portet sur garonne, il y a aussi la version avec loeuf, avant javais fait pas mal denseignes genre planet saturn, boulanger, fnac, introuvable)
Alors premiere constatation, sachant que je suis archi fan de la serie (jai le coffret alien en VHS, le coffret 10 dvd et les deux LD des deux premiers episodes, et un alien de 40 cm de mon salon )
Je ne suis pas addict de contenant mais plus du contenu, mais force est de constater que le coffret fait bcps plus cheap que la version 10 dvd (carton, visuel) je trouve ca bcps moins jolie.
Le pire c'est le facehugger en relief qui ressemble plus a une langouste avec deux grosses coucougnettes...enfin bon pour moi c'est une demi deception comme dits plus haut, lexterieur je men fiche.
Pour le contenu, je ferai un pti feeback dans la soiree, apres le visionnage du 1er sur mon nouveau proj full hd
Hors ligne
Amazon.fr me l'a expédié aujourd'hui...réception dans deux jours
Sony 40Z4500/PS3/Sennheiser RS160
LSDA/Phantom Of The Paradise/Le lauréat/Casino Royale...
Hors ligne
moi aussi si tout va bien (ma poste fait grève, c'est chronopost qui me livre ! mais avec x jours de retard )
Blu-rays : 1341 films/saisons dont 221 steelbook/tin box, 69 Digibook et 70 BD 3D - Ecran : plasma Panasonic 50ST50 - Lecteurs : Panasonic BDT 120 + Freebox v6 region A - Audio : ampli Yamaha RX-V567 + enceintes Boston Soundware XS 5.1 - Harmony One+ - PS4
Hors ligne
Idem c'est parti aujourd hui aussi !!
HC [Sony VPL-HW10-Kit 7.1 Focal Chorus Serie 800+Centrale Klipsch RC-64+Caisson Velodyne DD-18+Pioneer BDP-320-Onkyo TX-NR5700-Toile de 3.6x2.10 ^^]
Hors ligne